Meet Beckie Kullberg
After years of binge eating, loathing my body, and believing I wasn’t athletic, I put all of those limiting beliefs to the test. I went to group therapy to overcome my eating disorder and have been mostly binge free for 10+ years.

Takling my body confidence issues was, and continues to be, a journey of self love, self acceptance, sprinkled with a lot of self compassion. When I finally decided that I was good enough as I am today regardless of my weight I finally found body acceptance and freedom.

I had an idea of what “athletic” meant and it most certainly was not me…until I realized being athletic isn’t about being born with a unique set of genes, it’s about deciding you want more and putting in the work to get there. That I did have and could grow it more and more every day.

When I completed 29029, where 250 people hiked the equivalent of Mt. Everest at a ski resort in less than 36 hours (I did it in 28 hours) and earned my red hat I got to accept that I can do hard things. I am athletic, and I am able to overcome limiting beliefs.

The desire to physically and mentally challenge myself is inside me and I get to decide to either grow it or ignore it…most days the desire grows. Like all of us, I am a work in progress and progress is always better than perfection.

Read more about Beckie's 29029 experience on their website. Click here.
Meet Beckie Kullberg
After years of binge eating, loathing my body, and believing I wasn’t athletic, I put all of those limiting beliefs to the test. I went to group therapy to overcome my eating disorder and have been mostly binge free for 10+ years.

Takling my body confidence issues was, and continues to be, a journey of self love, self acceptance, sprinkled with a lot of self compassion. When I finally decided that I was good enough as I am today regardless of my weight I finally found body acceptance and freedom.

I had an idea of what “athletic” meant and it most certainly was not me…until I realized being athletic isn’t about being born with a unique set of genes, it’s about deciding you want more and putting in the work to get there. That I did have and could grow it more and more every day.

When I completed 29029, where 250 people hiked the equivalent of Mt. Everest at a ski resort in less than 36 hours (I did it in 28 hours) and earned my red hat I got to accept that I can do hard things. I am athletic, and I am able to overcome limiting beliefs.

The desire to physically and mentally challenge myself is inside me and I get to decide to either grow it or ignore it…most days the desire grows. Like all of us, I am a work in progress and progress is always better than perfection.

Read more about Beckie's 29029 experience on their website. Click here.

Recent Accomplishments
Find inspiration and motivation
Hike to Clouds Rest, Yosemite May 2024
Miles: 22
Elevation gain: 6,706
Time: 12 hours 47 minutes
Conditions: snow the last mile
As a Certified High-Performance Coach, we are required to get recertified every other year.

Original Certification: March 2023
Recertification: May 2024
Metaverse Wellness Expert
Recently I was invited to do a series of trainings in the metaverse.

Watch for details to join the next session.
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